Over the past month plus we have experienced church in ways we have not before. A lot of effort and creativity have gone into this. Today I want to share a few pictures from ‘behind the scenes.’
These pictures can offer a different perspective for you. Notice that some pictures even show what looks like a jumbled mess!
I am so very thankful for all the ministry and care that our church family is doing at this time.
Each day we are keenly aware of what we have lost or are missing out on because of this health crisis. However, if we pay attention, we can see that God is blessing us in ways we had not imagined and is opening our eyes to things we had not see before.
The psalmist invites us to be still and know that God is God. Let me invite you to be still and quiet for a while today. And when you do, here are a few questions to ponder:
What are some blessings you are experiencing right now? How will you express your thanks to God for this? Remember, God is the giver of every good and perfect gift.
Right now please begin thinking about and planning for when life returns to normal. What aspects of this time do you want to continue in your life?