For well over one hundered years, we have been gathering together as the people of God, right in the heart of Williamsburg, KY. Though the times may change, our mission remains the same: to share God’s love as we seek to find places where heaven and earth collide. What does that mean? It means we serve together, worship together, eat together, cry and laugh together, and do so much more because doing so brings us closer to each other and God. As we do that, we find the places where God is at work in our lives, and we can then show people the Good News of Jesus.
So what does that mean for you? We have a place for you. Whether serving with the food pantry, singing with our musicians, teaching little ones, or greeting someone at the door, there is a place to use your talents.
Have you never been to church? Been hurt by a church in the past? Looking for something a bit more? Whatever it might be that you are going through, we want to walk alongside you on this journey.
Our site is a glimpse of who we are, but it certainly doesn’t tell the full story. The best way to learn is by visiting us. If you would like for someone from the church to contact you, please see the form on this site. Our worship services are live-streamed each week, and you can also find a weekly midweek devotion on our Facebook page. For the best information, we encourage you to sign up for our newsletter via the link on the bottom of this page or find us on Facebook.
Whatever reason brought you to this page, we’re glad you’re here!