Having positive church experiences from birth is one of the most important things that can happen for child development. With that in mind, we have placed a high priority on the youngest among us. Here are a few things that you might want to know:
WHERE: The nursery is located on the lowest level of the church. The door into the nursery area is locked for security purposes, and there is a doorbell to ring to notify a worker if you need something for your child during the service.
WHEN: The nursery is available on Sunday mornings during both Sunday School and worship. It is also available on Wednesday nights from 5:50 – 7:30pm during the school year when there are children’s activities.
WHO: Our nursery is typically for those from birth to preschool age. The youngest (birth-three) often stay in the nursery during the entire service, but we are comfortable with whatever works best for your family. During the middle of worship, our preschoolers and children are dismissed to children’s worship. At this time an adult will take our preschool children down to the nursery while the older children head to their children’s church class.
WHAT ELSE: Safety is a priority. We are constantly looking to fine tune our children’s safety policy. When dropping your child off, you will be asked to register them with important contact information. There are at least two adults present with children at any time, and every adult that works with children must pass a background check. On Sundays, we currently have one paid position and the rest is filled by volunteers. On Wednesday night, we have two paid workers. Most of our workers have been a part of our children’s ministry for many years, and take pride in providing a safe and loving environment to learn about the love of Jesus.