On Sunday, August 20th, we are going to have a Promotion Sunday for our children’s Sunday School classes. As we anticipate a new year, we found this to be a perfect time for our youngest ones to move on up to the next season of spiritual formation and biblical knowledge. We find age specific Sunday School for children within a familiar community is vital to one’s development and understanding.
During the Sunday School hour on August 20th, we invite children and parents to come to the children’s wing downstairs for a time of fellowship and breakfast. We will then introduce our teachers and assemble our new classes for the year. We are excited about this time in the life of our church where we can celebrate growth in Christ through Sunday School.
This year, we are excited to announce that we have a new age set-up for our Sunday School classes. PreK-Kindergarten will be in J. L. Hamblin and Jamie Bowman’s class. Our First-Fifth graders will be in Kids Connect with a host of wonderful teachers, and Sixth graders will now be fully incorporated into the Student Ministry with Associate Pastor Tyler. This is a year of exciting new changes. Won’t you be in prayer for us as we promote our children into the next stage of Christian education