First Baptist Church Williamsburg (FBCW) is a committee driven church. The Standing Committees of our church and the roles they play are listed below. The committee members serve for 3 years on a rotational basis. Committee vacancies are filled yearly by the Nominating Committee.
• The Finance Committee helps the treasurer with setting the budget.
• The Personnel Committee is responsible for filling all paid staff positions of the church except the pastor and associate pastor(s).
• The Building & Grounds Committee coordinates the care and maintenance of church properties.
• The Missions Committee conducts and promotes mission activities and education in the church.
• The Worship, Music, and Ordinance Committee assists, as needed, the music staff and pastor with the music programming of the church, baptismal services, and communion services.
• The Nominating Committee recommends to the church the general officers, Sunday Bible Study leadership, and the ministry passion group leaders. Additionally, the committee is responsible for filling standing committee vacancies.
• The Church Officers consist of the Church Moderator, Assistant Moderator, Treasurer and Church Clerk.
• The Trustees are responsible for signing legal documents that have been approved by the church.