First Baptist Church’s Food Pantry has been serving the hungry, hurting people of Whitley county for over two decades. This past year over 210 families mad use of our Food Pantry including 130 children and 70 senior adults on fixed incomes. We provide 25-35 backpack bags of easy to prepare meals each week to schoolchildren who will go home to no food over the weekends. We make a difference.
There are changes afoot. Beginning in January, Food Pantry will change from 6-7 on the third Wednesday of each month to the 5-6 on the third Wednesday of each month. Norma Dunston, Food Pantry Director, is stepping down as the director. This means some changes need to be made. One possibility is to divide up the work of Food Pantry among several people. Check out the video and see if there is a way you can help with food pantry.