Missions Weekend Coming October 19-20!

There is a place for everyone to serve during FBC’s Missions Weekend!

On Saturday, October 19 —

  • Repair the home of a person in need with “The Church Has Left the Building” crew. Meet in the church parking lot at 8:30 am
  • Wrap shoeboxes for “Operation Christmas Child.” Meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 am
  • Prayer Walk around the schools and around the town as we lift the cares and concerns of Williamsburg and beyond. Meet at the church office by 10:00 am
  • Prepare lunches for all missions crews. Minister to those who are ministering. Meet in the CLC Kitchen at 10:00 am

On Sunday, October 20 —

  • Everyone is invited to be a part of a World Hunger Bean and Cornbread Luncheon in the Christian Life Center immediately after morning worship. Bring a pot of beans or a pan of cornbread and a donation for World Hunger.