We love our youth! Because of that, we seek to provide a welcoming atmosphere. Life can be hard (especially in middle and high school) and we believe in the value of community. We aim to do this by mixing spiritual growth opportunities with a blend of entertainment, meaningful conversations, and generally some kind of delicious food!
Our current youth ministry team is composed of two co-interim youth pastors, Shelly Weiss and Josh Tyree. We also have two great youth ministry interns, Amanda Newland and Brandon Durham.
Our weekly youth schedule is as follows:
Wednesday Nights: 6pm
Wednesday night is our highest attended night for youth group. Students meet from 6:00 – 7:45pm at Helen’s House, a building set aside specifically for our youth. There is a meal and then a bible study opportunity, usually ending with some kind of game. It is a chance to catch up with each other in the middle of the school week and focus in on what matters the most.

Sunday School: 10am
Our youth Sunday School class meets at Helen’s House at 10am. Breakfast is served. After the lesson, most students head over to the sanctuary, where they sit together during morning worship.
Other Activities
In addition to our set activities, our youth always have something fun planned. Recently, that has included a lock in at the church, a Super Bowl party, fall retreat, and hosting an annual dessert auction. Other times it looks like open gym at the church or a study session at Cumberland River Coffee. Life is better together, and we want to be together as much as possible!